Friday, January 2, 2015

My 2015 Resolutions: 10 Things To Do and 10 Things To Stop

I know this post is probably going to be overlooked because everyone is like, "ugh here we go another person who is going to make a resolution and give up in a week". But I don't care! I need to write it down and see which ones I accomplished at the end of the year. A LIFE resolution of mine is to complete everything on my list of resolutions for at least one year. Yeah, I haven't accomplished that yet. One day at a time.

I also want to have a list of stuff I plan to stop. Some of the negative things I have let seep into my life. I really want this year to be a year of happiness, regardless of any challenges I may face. I hope I can inspire you guys to do the same. Making goals to take negativity out of our lives is just the start of a more positive world.

10 Things To Do

  1. Learn to knit, needle felt, embroider, cross stitch, etc.
  2. Get my GED
  3. Start up my crafting business
  4. Be a better mother, wife and sister
  5. Become more immersed in my religion
  6. Have a clean home 85% of the time
  7. Learn to drive stick shift
  8. Make 3 cosplays for myself
  9. Get back into shape after baby
  10. Beat my husband's gamer score on Xbox360

10 Things To Stop

  1.  Stop judging others for whatever I may disapprove of
  2.  Stop using the internet for pointless reasons as much
  3.  Stop nagging
  4.  Stop being a couch potato
  5.  Stop judging my body
  6.  Stop worrying about what others will think of me
  7.  Stop spending so much money on pointless purchases
  8.  Stop eating so much junk food
  9.  Stop assuming the worst
  10.  Stop giving up because whatever I'm doing doesn't look "perfect"
What are your resolutions this year? What do you plan to learn and what do you plan to stop doing? Let me know in the comments! I love hearing everyone's goals for the year! It inspires me to do mine as well. Good luck and happy new year!



  1. Great resolution I did a blog post on my resolutions/ goals
    I plan to stop eating unhealthy and not putting enough effort into my school work.
    Happy New Year :)
    Please checkout my blog I would love a follow and any advice you may have.

    1. Thank you! Those are great resolutions. Ones we should keep every year!

      I'm pretty new to blogging so I don't know how much I could help you haha, but I will check your blog out! Thank you!


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